Magnet Experts
The Original Online Company
So much more than magnet sales...
E-Magnets is the e-commerce division of Bunting Magnetics Europe. As well as offering next delivery from a vast range of magnets and magnetic products, we offer market-leading technical support through a team of magnet experts, dedicated design engineers and quality professionals with full magnetic test facilities at our two manufacturing facilities in the UK. In addition to this, we are part of the Bunting Group, with four additional facilities in the USA and one in China. Our heritage goes back over 60 years, but our approach, knowledge and investment mean we are a 21st-century business, ready to help you with any magnet or magnetic project, however large or small.
Key elements of our Technical Departments in the UK:
- A dedicated team of 5 Design Engineers plus an Apprentice Design Engineer.
- Quality Manager whose team’s test centre has the latest magnetic test and measurement equipment, so we can guarantee all our magnets meet the specifications we say they do. All material sources are regularly audited to meet the company’s quality and ethical policies.
- ISO9001 and ISO14001.
- UK Manufacturer of Precision Bonded Rare Earth Magnets.
- Manufacturing capabilities include turning, milling, grinding, sheet metal fabrication, MIG and TIG welding to ISO3834, coil winding, electronic assembly, and testing.
- Design and manufacture high voltage magnetising systems and fixtures sold worldwide to leading OEM manufacturers and research centres.
These resources are all supported by two key figures in the Magnetics Industry:
Matthew Swallow

Dr. Chris Riley

Andy Hayling

David Richards

Design and Testing Departments:
Our design and testing departments have world-class capabilities for supporting all project stages, from design to delivery.
From the initial computer modelling capabilities to the final magnetic test and characterisation stage, we have invested heavily to ensure that the computer hardware and software we use are up to date and that the measurement equipment is calibrated to national standards and is reliable.
We combine a top-of-the-line 200-degree rated Magnetic Hysteresis Machine with a new National Physics Lab Calibrated Helmholtz coil and integrated Flux Meter to establish material performance characteristics. Then, we couple that with rotatory and linear magnetic scanning for post-assembly validation of rotating and static magnetic assemblies.
We continually invest in magnetic assembly capabilities to ensure we can accurately deploy high-stress containment systems, either metallic (heat shrink) or carbon fibre (press fit), along with rapid production systems to produce bespoke assembly systems to control the placement of each magnet within an assembly, even if this requires a difficult Halbach array construction.
All the tooling and assembly routings are designed and carried out on-site, following a thorough contract review process. This ensures we are right the first time, and our lead times and on-time deliveries for brand-new projects are industry-leading.
Some of the equipment used for Design, Rapid Prototyping and Testing includes
- 3D Printing Machines – to rapidly manufacture and develop products and tooling
- Magnetic Hysteresis Machine, rated to test to 200 degrees C with National Physics Lab
- Calibrated Helmholtz coils and Integrating Flux Meter – for testing magnetic properties
- A range of Guass meters, Helmholtz coils and Magnetising and De-magnetising equipment.
- Opera 3D FEA Simulation Software is used to design Magnetic and Electromagnetic circuits
- Co-ordinate Measuring Machine for complex dimensional measuring
- Rotary Scanners
- Vacuum Chambers
- Environmental and Salt Spray Testing.
Contact our Technical Departments:
Magnetic Separation Sales
Tel: 01527 65858
Magnetic Separation Technical Department
Tel: 01527 65858
Magnet Design
Tel: 01442 875081
Technical Sales
Tel: 01442 875081
Magnetic Engineering Department
Tel: 01442 875081
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Design EngineersGet in touch today
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or queries. Our professional team will give you expert advice and guidance for your magnetic application and equipment.