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Fridge magnets

Fridge Magnets

Buy Fridge Magnets online with e-Magnets™

The range consists of 3 sizes of Isotropic Ferrite Disc Magnets and they are all magnetised with a multi-pole magnetic pattern on one face.

The magnets can be bonded to cards,plastics,clay etc with a hot melt glue gun or Araldite to create custom designed fridge magnets.

Maximum operating temperature:180 deg. C.


SKU: N/A Category:
Part #DiameterDepthPull (Kgs)Package QuantityPriceQuantity
EP600 14 mm5 mm0.3kg100 £8.20
EP601 20 mm5 mm0.4kg100 £15.99
EP602 30 mm5 mm0.6kg50 £9.13

* Pull force, up to the value stated.