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Yellow alphabetic magnet letters

Magnetic Rubber Letters or Numbers

Buy Magnetic Rubber Letters or Numbers online with Bunting – eMagnets™ One A4 sheet containing 55 letters or 60 numbers which are magnetic rubber and ideal for attaching to storage lockers, cabinets, or fridges etc. The letters or numbers are black in colour on a yellow background which makes them easily visible. Rubber Numbers includes: 9 x 1’s , 5 x 2’s , 5 x 3’s , 5 x 4’s , 5 x 5’s , 5 x 6’s , 5 x 7’s , 5 x 9’s , 10 x 0’s , plus symbols Rubber Letters includes: 3 x A’s , 2 x B’s , 2 x C’s , 2 x D’s , 4 x E’s , 2 x F’s , 2 x G’s , 2 x H’s , 3 x I’s , 1 x J’s , 1 x K’s , 2 x L’s , 2 x M’s , 3 x N’s , 2 x O’s , 2 x P’s , 3 x R’s , 3 x S’s , 3 x T’s , 3 x U’s , 2 x V’s , 1 x Q’s , 1 x W’s , 1 x X’s , 1 x Y’s , 2 x Z’s , plus symbols


SKU: N/A Category:
Part #SizeCapacityTypePackage QuantityPriceQuantity
E696A4 Sheet60Letters1 £10.03
E697A4 Sheet55Numbers1 £10.03

* Pull force, up to the value stated.